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Платье для Дженни

Вязаное платье для куклы Дженни (Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair). Схема без перевода

Вязаное платье для куклы Дженни. Схема

J. & P. COATS "KNIT-CRO-SHEEN," Art. A.64: 1 ball each of No. 65 Beauty Pink and No. 76 Robinette, and
J. & P. COATS TATTING-CROCHET, Art. A.21, Size 70: 1 ball of No. 1 White.
Milwards Steel Crochet Hooks No. 7 and No. 14.
3 snap fasteners. ... A small piece of narrow turquoise ribbon. ... A doll 7 ? inches tall; waist 4 ? inches.


Starting at waist with Beauty Pink and No. 7 hook, make a chain slightly longer than doll's waist. 1st rnd: 2 dc in 4th ch from hook, 3 dc in each remaining ch across. Join with sl st to top of turning chain. 2nd rnd: Ch 3, dc in each dc across. Join. Repeat 2nd rnd until piece measures 4 inches. Break off.


1st row: Attach Pink to opposite side of starting chain at waist, ch 3, dc in each ch across. Ch 3, turn.

2nd to 5th rows incl: Skip first dc, dc in each dc across, dc in top of turning chain.

Ch 3, turn.

6th row: Skip first dc, dc in next 10 dc (for back). Ch 3, turn.

7th row: Skip first dc, dc in next 5 dc (for shoulder). Ch 3, turn.

8th row: Work as for 2nd row of Bodice. Break off. Attach Pink to opposite side of back opening and work other side to correspond.

Complete front of Bodice as follows: 1st row: Leaving the 4 dc free for armhole, attach Pink to next dc, ch 3, dc in each dc across to within last 4 dc. Ch 3, turn. 2nd row: Skip first dc, dc in each dc across, dc in top of turning chain. Break off. Sew shoulders to front of Bodice.


Attach Pink to armhole at underarm.

1st rnd: Sc closely around. Join.

2nd rnd: Mark off 11 sc at top of shoulder, sc in each sc to within 11 sc, half dc in next sc, dc in next sc, tr in next 7 sc, dc in next sc, half dc in next sc, sc in each remaining sc around. Join.

3rd rnd: Make sc in each sc, half dc in each half dc, dc in each dc and 2 tr in each tr around. Join.

4th rnd: Ch 3, * dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join.

5th, 6th and 7th rnds: Ch 3, dc in each dc around. Join.

8th rnd: Ch 3, * dec 2 dc—to dec 2 dc, work off 3 dc as 1 dc. Repeat from * around. Join.

9th rnd: Sc in each sc around. Join and break off. Work other sleeve the same way.


With Robinette make a chain 5 ? inches long.

1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, * pull loop on hook out to measure ? inch, thread over and draw loop through, insert hook between single and double loops and draw loop through, thread over and draw through 2 loops on hook (knot st made), make another knot st, skip next 2 ch, sc in next ch. Repeat from * until piece measures 5 inches. Ch 3, turn.

2nd row: Sc under double loop of first knot st (to right of knot), sc under double loop of next knot st (to the left of same knot), * ch 2, sc under double loop of each of the next 2 knot sts (to the right and left of the same knot). Repeat from * across. Break off.

Mark off the center nine ch-2 sps, attach Robinette to the first of these sps, ch 3 and work skirt of apron as follows: 1st row: 4 dc in same sp, 5 dc in each of the next 8 sps. Ch 3, turn. 2nd to 12th rows incl: Work as for 2nd row of Bodice. 13th row: Work as for first row of Belt, skipping 1 dc between knot st loops. Break off.

BIB  Mark off the center 3 sps on opposite side of Belt. 1st row: Attach Robinette to the first of these sps, ch 3, dc in same sp, 3 dc in next sp, 2 dc in next sp. Ch 3, turn. Work 2 more dc-rows. Break off. Attach Robinette to same sp where thread was attached for Bib and work knot-st loops closely around Bib of Apron. Break off.

STRAP (Make 2)

Attach Robinette to a knot st loop at top corner of Bib and make a chain long enough to reach across shoulder to belt at back.


With Robinette make a chain 5 ? inches long. 1st row: Work as for first row of Belt, skipping 5 ch between knot st loops, ending with sc in last ch. Make 3 knot st loops. Turn. 2nd to 7th rows incl: Sc under double loop of each of first 2 knot sts (on each side of same knot), * make 2 knot sts, sc under double loop of each of next 2 knot sts. Repeat from * across. Make 3 knot sts. Turn. 8th row: Sc under double loop of first 2 knot sts, * ch 4, sc under double loop of next 2 knot sts. Repeat from * across. Break off.


With Tatting-Crochet and No. 14 hook, make a chain slightly longer than width of Skirt. Work exactly as for Bow until 4 rows are completed. 5th row: Sc under double loop of first 2 knot sts, * make 1 knot st, sc under double loop of next 2 knot sts. Repeat from * across. Break off.


Make a chain long enough to fit around lower edge of sleeve. Work as for Skirt Lace for 2 rows. 3rd row: Work as for 5th row of Skirt Lace.


Work as for Skirt Lace for 2 rows, skipping 2 ch between first row of knot st loops.

Sew 2 snap fasteners to back of Bodice and 1 snap fastener to ends of belt. Gather center of bow and sew in place. Sew straps in place. Sew laces in place on dress. Tie ribbon in a bow at back of hair.


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