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Наряд леди для куклы Нелли

Кукла Нелли в наряде леди (Nelly was a Lady). Схема вязания крючком на английском

Кукла Нелли в наряде леди (Nelly was a Lady). Схема

J. & P. COATS "KNIT-CRO-SHEEN," Art. A.64: 2 balls of White and 1 ball each of No. 126 Spanish Red and No. 43 Dk. Yellow.
Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 7.
? yard of bright green taffeta ribbon, ? inch wide with picot edges. ... 1 card of grey rick-rack, size 13. ... 4 small hooks and eyes. ... A doll 11 inches tall; waist 5 ? inches.


Starting at waist with White, make a chain long enough to reach loosely around doll's waist.

1st row: Dc in 4th ch from hook, 2 dc in each ch across. Ch 3, turn.

2nd and 3rd rows: Skip first dc, dc in each dc across, dc in top of turning chain. Ch 3, turn. At end of 3rd row, ch 4 to turn.

4th row: Tr in first dc, 2 tr in each dc and in top of turning chain. Ch 4, turn. 5th,

6th and 7th rows: Skip first tr, tr in each tr, tr in top of turning chain. Ch 4, turn.

8th row: Skip first tr, * 2 tr in next tr, tr in next tr. Repeat from * across, tr in top of turning chain. Ch 4, turn.

9th row: Repeat 5th row.

10th row: Repeat 8th row. Break off, do not turn.

11th row: Attach Spanish Red to top of starting chain at beginning of row, sc in same place, sc in back loop of each st across. Break off, do not turn.

12th row: Attach White to back loop of first sc, ch 3, dc in back loop of each sc across. Break off, do not turn.

13th to 20th rows incl: Repeat 11th and 12th rows alternately 4 more times. Do not break off at end of 20th row. Ch 3, turn.

21st to 26th rows incl: Skip first dc, dc in each dc across, dc in top of turning chain. Ch 3, turn. Break off at end of 26th row. Sew up back seam, leaving 1 inch opening at top. Attach thread to first chain on top and sc closely across. Break off. Sew a hook and eye to skirt.


Starting at waist with White, ch 30. 1st row: Dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across.

Ch 3, turn. 2nd,

3rd and 4th rows: Skip first dc, dc in each dc across, dc in top of turning chain. Ch 3, turn.

5th row: Dc in first dc, * dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc. Repeat from * across. Ch 3, turn.

6th and 7th rows: Repeat 2nd row.

8th row: Repeat 5th row.

9th and 10th rows: Repeat 2nd row.

11th row: Repeat 5th row. Break off.


Attach thread to opposite side of starting chain on Skirt of Jacket, ch 3, dc in each ch across.

Ch 3, turn. 2nd and 3rd rows: Skip first dc, dc in next 3 dc, * 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 4 dc. Repeat from * across, ending with dc in top of turning chain. Ch 3, turn.

4th row: Skip first dc, dc in each dc across, dc in top of turn-ing chain. Ch 3, turn.

5th row: Skip first dc, dc in next 7 dc (for one front). Ch 3, turn.

6th and 7th rows: Skip first dc, dc in each dc across, dc in top of turning chain. Ch 3, turn. At end of 7th row, ch 1 to turn.

8th row: Sc in first dc, half dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc, half dc in next dc, sc in next dc. Break off. Attach thread to last complete row on Bodice and complete other front to correspond.


1st row: Leaving 5 dc free for underarm on last complete row of Bodice, attach thread to next dc, ch 3, dc in each dc across to within last 5 dc. Ch 3, turn.

2nd and 3rd rows: Skip first dc, dc in each dc across, dc in top of turning chain. Ch 3, turn. At end of 3rd row, ch 1 to turn.

4th row: Sl st in first 2 dc, sc in next 2 dc, half dc in next dc, dc in each dc across to within last 4 sts, half dc in next dc, sc in next dc, sl st in next dc and in top of turning chain. Break off. Sew up seams.


1st rnd: Attach thread to underarm, ch 3, make 23 dc evenly around. Join.

2nd, 3rd and 4th rnds: Ch 3, dc in each dc around. Join.

5th rnd: Dec 4 dc evenly around—to dec 1 dc, work off 2 dc as 1 dc. 6th to 10th rnds incl: Ch 3, dc in each dc around. Join. Break off.

CUFF (Make 2)

With White, ch 20.

1st row: 2 dc in 4th ch from hook, * dc in next 2 ch, 2 dc in next ch. Repeat from * across. Break off.

2nd row: Attach Red at base of first dc, 3 sc over bar of same dc, 3 sc in back loop of same dc, sc in back loop of each dc across, 3 sc in last st, 3 sc over bar of same st. Break off.

3rd row: Attach White to first sc, sc in back loop of each sc across, making 3 sc in center sc of each 3-sc group. Break off. 4th row: Attach Red and repeat last row. Sew cuffs around sleeves.

Attach White to bottom at front edge and sc closely across front, around neck and across other side of front. Break off.


1st rnd: Attach Red to first sc on right front, sc in back loop of each sc across to within last 5 sc, ch 100 (to be sewn later), skip 5 sc on other side of front, sc in back loop of each sc across, 3 sc in corner, sc in back loop of next 45 dc, ch 62, skip 8 dc, sc in back loop of each dc to within last 53 dc, ch 62, skip 8 dc, sc in each remaining dc across bottom. Join and break off.

2nd rnd: Attach White to first sc at neck edge of left front, ch 3, dc in back loop of each st around entire Jacket to other side of neck, making 3 dc in center sc at each corner. Break off.

3rd rnd: Attach Red to top of starting chain and sc in back loop of each dc around, making 3 sc in center dc of each 3-dc group. Break off.

Sew loose chains in place to form points around neck and into a point with a frog on each side. Sew 3 small hooks and eyes in place on Bodice. Sew rick-rack around skirt between Red and White stripes, around outer edge of jacket and cuffs.


Starting at center with Dk. Yellow, ch 2. 1st rnd: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook.

2nd rnd: 2 sc in each sc around. Join. 3rd rnd:

Ch 3, dc in same place as sl st, 2 dc in each sc around. Join.

4th rnd: Ch 3, dc in same place as sl st, 2 dc in each dc around. Join.

5th rnd: Ch 3, dc in same place as sl st, * dc in next 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join.

6th rnd: Ch 3, dc in back loop of each dc around. Join.

7th rnd: Ch 3, dc in each dc around. Join


1st rnd: Sc in front loop of each dc around. Join.

2nd rnd: Ch 3, dc in same place as sl st, * dc in next sc, 2 dc in next sc. Repeat from * around. Join.

3rd and 4th rnds: Ch 3, dc in each dc around. Join.

5th, 6th and 7th rnds: * Ch 3, dc in next 4 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 5 dc. Repeat from * around. Join.

8th rnd: Sc in same place as sl st, * skip 2 sc, 6 dc in next dc, skip 2 dc, sc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join and break off. Starch lightly and press. Place ribbon around crown and draw ends through 2nd rnd of brim, leaving 12 dc free between ends. Sew some flowers to top of hat and some to ribbon under brim. Place remaining flowers in hand.

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